Be healthy and happy! Join the Darra Community Walk every second Sunday of the month, where locals may not only get on with their fitness routine but also meet new friends!
Participants of the Darra Community Walk converge just outside of Polish Club along 23 Station Avenue at 4:00 p.m. before proceeding to exercise and explore nature for 45 to 60 minutes at Edenbrooke Park.
The free activity even welcomes families with dogs and adults with children on prams, which means that walking will be at a medium pace, safe for the joints, and does not put too much pressure on the body. It also promotes the wellness of the heart, especially for people who have health issues.

Aside from the health benefits, joining the Darra Community Walk allows individuals to connect and form friendships. Walking is also more fun if you have good friends to talk and chat with as you keep pace. They will help you stay motivated to complete your fitness goals for the day.
If you’re joining the walking group, be sure to wear comfortable shoes that will support and cushion your feet to prevent tripping or falling. Stay hydrated as well and do stretches first before the walk.
Similar walking groups are also active in Mt Ommaney and Seventeen Mile Rocks (for the over 50s) on different days of the week. Learn more about the community walks here or contact the organiser, Jason at 0414 306 838.