One of the best decisions you’ll make in your life would be to take steps to eat healthy by choosing plant-based meals. However, sustaining a diet of mostly vegetables might be harder if you don’t have any idea what to do with the ingredients.
Grab this chance to learn how to prepare tasty but healthy meals at this plant-based cooking class in Sinnamon Park. You’ll pick up tips on the best spices to use to make your plant-based meals flavourful whilst still complementing your health and wellness goals.
Set for Saturday, the 27th of July 2019, this plant-based cook and eat session will be conducted by Roushini’s Fun India. The class runs from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and the venue will be confirmed after booking for a slot.
This plant-based cooking class is open for any age or member of the family, especially the teenagers.

Sessions are at $40 per head. Email or phone 0408 748 661 if interested. Participants are encouraged to bring a takeaway container.