Centenary Group Keeps the Less Fortunate Warm with Their Blankets of Love

With the weather getting cold, it is good to know that there are kind-hearted people who are using their skills and creativity to give warmth to people in need.

Helping people in need is the main driving force of the Centenary Knitting and Crochet Circle. Members of the group share a common love for knitting and crocheting. They meet every fortnight at Sibro Coffee in Middle Park to knit or crochet squares that will be donated to various charity organisations.

Knit a Square

The charity activity is part of the annual “Knit a Square Campaign” of the Centenary ladies’ craft group. Blankets created by the members are given out to people who need to keep warm during the winter season.

Giving Grannies received colourful rugs from Centenary Knitting and Crochet Circle. (Photo credit: Giving Grannies Inc / Facebook)

Charity groups that receive blankets from the group include Life Without Barriers, the Giving Grannies Inc , and the Brisbane Motorcycle Street Feed. Through these charity organisations, the blankets can be distributed to homeless folks, children in foster care and victims of domestic violence.

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Centenary Knitting and Crochet Circle has been creating blankets for charity for many years now. Group founder Inga Ng expressed happiness that with the group, they can all express their love for knitting and crocheting. At the same time, they are blessed with the opportunity to give back to the community.

Community Knitting Day

The group’s meeting every second Friday has attracted much attention from people who visit the coffee shop. Due to the number of enquiries and expression of intent to help or donate, Mrs Ng is setting up a community knitting day on July 15.

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During the community knitting day, the group will invite people from the community to knit squares to add to the blankets they have made. Mrs Ng targets some 500 squares to be added from that event.

The July community event will be held at the Westside Church of Christ at Jamboree Heights.


Photo credit: CC-BY / derya / flickr