Did you know that Jindalee Home Centre may soon be getting a new children’s playground?
In December 2021, Jindalee Home Centre unveiled plans for an enclosed, state-of-the-art playground next to the car parking area. The announcement comes after a minor change application that will facilitate the construction of the play area has been lodged for Council approval.
The new kids play area will be situated at Jindalee Home Centre located at 34 Goggs Road, between the Bare Bones Society cafe and Oz Design Furniture.
The outdoor children’s play area is expected to improve the offerings and recreational facilities within the Home Centre.
Apart from the construction of a children’s playground on a small section of the hardstand and car park area, the plans also include the removal of eight ((8) car parking spaces (including the removal and reinstatement of one (1) accessible space.
An internal access driveway will be closed to facilitate the cul-de-sac arrangement whilst the pedestrian ramp along the northern kerb boundary will also be removed and reinstated afterwards.
Three (3) existing car spaces will be modified to comply with current Australian Standards.
A new footpath, kerbing and bollards will be installed along the perimeter of the play area, as well as pedestrian ramp and crossing to and from the Freedom Store.
There will also be associated landscaping, fencing, playground equipment, seating and shade sail structure.
An assessment report made by Willowtree Planning says that the changes to the approved development sought are considered minor.
They further assured that the proposal also seeks to ensure that Jindalee Home Centre “…will continue to function as a high-quality homemaker centre in accordance with the original and subsequent development approval(s).”