Jindalee Included in Top 10 Sweatiest Suburbs

Photo credit: Style Magazines

Queensland is getting hot and certain areas in the state are becoming even hotter than ever. The Queensland University of Technology has just released the Top 10 Sweatiest Suburbs and Jindalee is one of them.

A study by QUT faculty of health associate shows that people in these Top 10 suburbs are at a higher risk of heat-related hospital admissions. This list is affected by several factors such as the average age in the suburb, income and landscape.

The Top 10 suburbs are:

  • Bowen Hills
  • Northgate
  • Brisbane City
  • Jindalee
  • Deagon
  • Archerfield
  • Robertson
  • Camp Hill
  • McDowall
  • Kuraby

The study also shows that suburbs with lower risk of heat-related illnesses have a lot of green space whilst wealthier suburbs can afford air conditioning units to combat the heat.

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Queensland Ambulance Service reminds locals to keep cool and stay indoors away from direct sunlight. Children and elderly are the most vulnerable to the summer heat, which is why they advise locals that with any signs of heat exhaustion seeking medical attention right away is important.

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Signs of heat exhaustion include headaches, nausea, dizziness and cramping.

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