Less stress, better sleep and a joyful life. These are just some of the benefits that the Mindfulness Works course offers people in the Centenary area.
Two sets of mindfulness meditation workshops will be held at the Centenary Community Hub in Mount Ommaney. The classes will be conducted by occupational therapist Debbi Lacey, an expert in stress and anxiety management. She is trained in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
The mindfulness workshop will be held on four Thursdays and is suitable for beginners or those who have never practised meditation before.
The Centenary sessions are part of the Mindfulness Works training sessions happening at different venues in Brisbane.
With the workshop, participants can have a better understanding of mindfulness meditation and how they can practise it every day. The course is not simply an introductory training session. Attendees will be able to practise between classes so they can experience the benefits of mindfulness in their daily lives.
The workshop promises to be a practical and fun activity where the language used is straightforward and modern. It will be perfect for people who are interested in learning this meditation technique to help them cope with everyday stress and live a more fulfilling life.
Find out more about mindfulness meditation in this short video.
The sessions at the Centenary Community Hub will be on 4 Thursdays from May 4 to May 25 and from July 27 to August 17.
For more information, visit the Mindfulness Works Australia website at mindfulnessworksaustralia.com.au.
Get directions to Centenary Community Hub, Mt Ommaney.