Mount Ommaney Special School Celebrates Its Silver Anniversary

Photo credit: Mount Ommaney Special School

Mount Ommaney Special School will be holding its 25th anniversary on the 13th of November starting at 9:30 a.m.

Established in 1992, the school now has close to a hundred students. In celebration of their Silver Anniversary, the school will also pay tribute to their principal, Ian Lowe, who has presided over the faculty for almost 20 years. To recognise his dedication and service to the school, a playground will be named after him, to be officially launched in his honour on that day as well.

There will also be a showcase of photos and artefacts that show the school being built. The current Principal, Susan Christensen, is excited for their anniversary and very eager to see what lies for them in the future.

The school has won numerous awards through the years. In 2015, the school was awarded a regional Award for Inclusive Practices by Showcase Awards. In 2014, they also won an award for Excellence in Community Partnerships in recognition for their drama program.

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