Plans have been lodged for several restaurants and health care tenancies at 11 Pavilions Close, where the two-storey Jindalee Direct Factory Outlet and an associated car parking structure currently sit.
Under the proposal, the existing car parking area will be reconfigured and expanded to facilitate the construction of additional tenancies at the Jindalee DFO.
This will result in an increase of 1,163 sqm in GFA: 737 sqm for Food and Drinks outlets and 426 sqm for Health Care Services.
Additional 59 car parking spaces will be provided to replace the spaces that will be lost elsewhere in the car parking area, in addition to the 112 additional spaces that will remain untouched.
There will be no changes to the existing access from Pavilions Close and Amazons Place, however, a new second access point from Amazons Place is proposed as part of the development application.
Development Proposal at a glance:
- T1 – (Hungry Jacks) Food & Drink Outlet
- T2 – Food and drink outlet
- T3 – Food and drink outlet
- T4 – Food and drink outlet
- T5 – Food and drink outlet
- Commercial T1 – Health Care Services
- Commercial T2 – Health Care Services
- 59 Additional car parking spaces
- Total GFA – 1,163sqm
“Outdoor dining and pedestrian connections to the existing centre will be providing surrounding these tenancies. This will result in both sides of the internal access road becoming active frontages, creating a greater sense of separation between the car parking areas and the centre as a whole, and providing centre users with a significantly more interesting vista when looking towards the parking areas,” planners at Reel Planning said.
Reel Planning added that the proposed installation of an additional car parking deck above the existing decks will not result in an increase in the overall height of the proposed development.