Seventeen Mile Rocks Event Puts Seniors Back on Their Bikes Again

Photo credit: CC0 Public Domain/PublicDomainPictures/Pixabay

Senior residents 50 years and above who wish to start riding their bicycles again are encouraged join the Back on Your Bicycle event at Rocks Riverside Park on May 15th.

The event is a refresher course specifically designed for senior members of the community who want to pursue biking as a regular physical activity. It is part of the Growing Older and Living Dangerously (GOLD) programs of the Brisbane City Council’s Active and Healthy Lifestyle initiative. GOLD events are free or low-cost programs for residents 50 years old and above.

Back on Your Bicycle is free of charge and will teach participants the basics of helmet use, bike safety check, bike handling, biking etiquette and gear use. Attendees will have to bring their own bike, helmet and water.

Event Details:

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When:  Monday, 15 May 2017, 9:30 am – 11:30 am
Where:  Rocks Riverside Park, 531 Seventeen Mile Rocks Road, Seventeen Mile Rocks
Bookings:  Call Jan Stevenson at Cycle Away on 0427 431 481

Ideal Physical Exercise

The refresher course should be an excellent opportunity for seniors to start enjoying cycling again. Some people shun the idea of older people taking on cycling for fitness, when in fact, it is one ideal exercise that senior folks will enjoy.

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There has been a reawakening in bicycle riding among seniors. Because of the fun in riding the bike, seniors are more likely to stick to the healthy activity.

What makes biking stand out is that it can be a fun physical activity whether the person is riding alone or riding with friends. The city council’s Back on Your Bicycle event should be able to help seniors take on this fitness activity once more.