Proposed Childcare Centre in Sinnamon Park to Repurpose Heritage Church

A 72-place childcare centre has been proposed at 675 Seventeen Mile Rocks Road, Sinnamon Park.  To facilitate the development, the application also seeks permission for partial demolition, relocation and alterations of both a State and Local heritage place.

An analysis of the local area indicated that only two (2) existing childcare centres exist within the Sinnamon Park catchment and that these centres have no further capacity or vacancy to support additional places, indicating a requirement for additional supply to meet the growing demand.

The developer is thus proposing a childcare centre that can accommodate up to 72 places which it considers appropriately sized to service its local catchment area.

 Proposed Childcare Centre in Sinnamon Park to Repurpose Heritage Church
Photo Credit:  Brisbane City Council /

To accommodate the development, the proposal will involve the retention and repurposing of the existing heritage church. In its application documents, the developer stated that the proposed childcare centre with the support of a heritage architect has been designed to enable it to integrate the heritage church into the development. 

“The proposed design achieves the intent of the Emerging community zone as it provides a compatible bulk and scale that integrates with the built form of the surrounding locality. This is reflected through a 2-3 storey built form maintained below a compliant level of 9.5m. Furthermore, the development incorporates generous boundary setbacks and landscaping that is compatible with the residential character and amenity of the area,” the Town Planning Alliance assessment report states.

 Proposed Childcare Centre in Sinnamon Park to Repurpose Heritage Church
Photo Credit:  Brisbane City Council /

The proposed development will incorporate opportunities for deep planting, landscaping and acoustic fencing in order to mitigate any potential adverse impacts on neighbouring uses. The design also employs elements and features that result in a well-articulated facade and a high level of streetscape appeal.

 Proposed Childcare Centre in Sinnamon Park to Repurpose Heritage Church
Photo Credit:  Brisbane City Council /

A total of 14 car parking spaces, including one (1) disabled bay for drop-off is included in the proposal as well as access via a crossover to and from Seventeen Mile Rocks Road.

The proposed operating hours for the centre are between 6.30 am and 7 pm Monday to Friday. 

Published 28-September-2023

Proposed Mixed-Use Industrial Development at Seventeen Mile Rocks Road

Plans have been submitted for a new mixed-use industrial development at Seventeen Mile Rocks Road in Sinnamon Park.

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Designs rendered by Sparc Architects show the applicant aims to create a four-story commercial building that will accommodate a mix of industrial and non-industrial uses.

This development marks the anticipated Stage 2 of the comprehensive industrial redevelopment of the subject site, located at 532 – 554 Seventeen Mile Rocks Road. The application was approved for Stage 1, allowing its construction for a mix of healthcare, retail, and research and technology uses, including a lab. Construction of the Stage 1 building is underway.

Photo credit: Sparc Architects

The site’s sloped nature is being cleverly utilised in the design. It will feature two levels of undercroft space, providing an impressive 384 car parking spaces with views of the nearby waterway.

Photo credit: Sparc Architects

The Mixed-Use Industrial Development will offer a range of different land uses, including hardware and trade supplies, shops, food and drink outlets, educational facilities, veterinary services, indoor sports and recreation centres, research and technology industries, low-impact industries, and warehouses.

The development boasts an impressive 11,205 sqm of gross floor area, spread across its four-story structure, which reaches a maximum height of 32.65 metres. 

Photo credit: Sparc Architects

The allocated space for each land use is as follows: Hardware and Trade S (1,000 sqm), Food and Drink Outlet (134 sqm), Shop (150 sqm), Veterinary Services (19 sqm), Indoor Sports and Recreation (123 sqm), and Research, Technology Industry, and Warehouse (9,279 sqm).

Planners at Mewing Planning Consultant said the site is located in an area that comprises a combination of zones, including the Low Density Residential Zone and the Open Space Zone to the north, south and west, and the Industry Zone, Industry Investigation Zone Sport and Recreation Zones, Conservation Zone to the east / south-east.

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To learn more about the proposed development, visit Brisbane City Council’s PD Online, with the reference A006268670.

Published 11-June-2023